The Better Breeding Blog
Hier Werben
Alpacas on the Go - alpaca herd managment in the Cloud

Alpacas For Sale - Young Males (Intact) - Appaloosa

Animal NameBreeder NameLocationAlpaca TypeColourPrice
Bros MoonlightBrosland AlpakasNorth Rhine WestphaliaYoung Male (Intact)Appaloosa€3,200.00
Totilas (SOLD)Alpakas vom Hof ErlenbruchRhineland PalatinateYoung Male (Intact)Appaloosa
APF JasperAlpaka-Park FunkeBrandenbergYoung Male (Intact)Appaloosa
Bros Macciato (SOLD)Brosland AlpakasNorth Rhine WestphaliaYoung Male (Intact)Appaloosa€6,000.00
AZR Joan (SOLD)Alpakazucht RiedlingenBavariaYoung Male (Intact)Appaloosa€3,900.00
RLA ArmaniEventhof KisselmühleHesseYoung Male (Intact)Appaloosa€4,500.00
Sunny Arnold (SOLD)Alpacaview FarmNorth Rhine WestphaliaYoung Male (Intact)Appaloosa€2,900.00
BMA BLUE MOON LEOPARD CHAPEAUSanssouci Alpakas OberharzSaxony AnhaltYoung Male (Intact)Appaloosa€7,500.00
Sunny ArgusAlpacaview FarmNorth Rhine WestphaliaYoung Male (Intact)Appaloosa€2,900.00
Bosse vom Hof Erlenbruch (SOLD)Alpakas vom Hof ErlenbruchRhineland PalatinateYoung Male (Intact)Appaloosa€4,500.00
OAvB Neptun (SOLD)Oberpfalz Alpaka vom BienenhofBavariaYoung Male (Intact)Appaloosa€2,500.00