


Inca Magistrate

Service Fee (On Farm):  £400.00 (excl VAT)   
Sire: Surtierra Shadow
Dam: Bozedown Justice 2
Type: Huacaya (Proven Stud)
Colour: Solid Black
Registered With: UKBAS38590
Date of Birth: 1st August 2018
Current Age: 6 Years and 6 Months

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          Anfield Park Heskey (SBLK)
      Rosemont Pompey (SBLK)    
          Rosemont Polka (SBLK)
  Surtierra Shadow
(Solid Black - Huacaya)
          Surtierra Black-Azz (SBLK)
      Surtierra Salamanca (SBLK)    
          Samaria Valley Soraya (SBLK)
Inca Magistrate
(Solid Black - Huacaya)
          MFI Peruvian Jericho (SMF)
      MFI Point Black (SBLK)    
          MFI Pansy (SBLK)
  Bozedown Justice 2
(Dark Brown - Huacaya)
          Thunder of Bozedown (SBLK)
      Bozedown Shadow 2 (SBLK)    
          Betsy of Bozedown (SBLK)

Fleece (1st):
19.90µ  SD 4.60µ  CV 23.20%
3.00% Over 30 Microns(µ)  SF 19.70µ
Yield 140.00 Kg/Year  
(taken on 26th April 2019 at 8 Months of age)
Fibre Testing Authority: Australian Alpaca Fibre Testing

We bought Inca Magistrate from Inca Alpacas 2 years ago to breed real quality into our herd. He is a very striking male who has great style and presence. He has more than lived up to our hopes and given us some stunning cria this year. He has given us so many female cria that we need to move him on. He is bred from a really elite female called Inca Justice 2 who is co-owned between Bozedown Alpacas and Inca, Inca Magistrate brings the benefits from his dam and her proven pedigree and also the uniform influence from multi-champion sire Surtierra Shadow.
Inca Magistrate moves well and has great proportion. His fleece is very dense, bright and uniform in micron. We also fell in love with this boy as he has the sweetest temperament which he seems to have passed onto his offspring as well as his stunning looks.
Inca is fantastic at mating and had the most success of any male we have ever had, with most matings taking first time. We have been bowled over by the quality of cria he has produced this year with 8 on the ground so far, 6 of them female and all fantastic black or beautiful brown colours, even when mated to solid white females.
He actually has a very small white spot on his neck, we were told that is not hereditary and that has proven to be the case, as none of his offspring have any white in their fleece.
He is very easy to handle and is perfect with the females, confident but not over pushy, he is also brilliant in the field with his fellow stud males and the young males waiting to be studs. I just really cant say enough good things about this Stud, he woudl be fantastic for any herd wanting to breed dark colours, with elite genetics and great pedigrees.
Inca Magistrate moves well and has great proportion. His fleece is very dense, bright and uniform in micron. We also fell in love with this boy as he has the sweetest temperament which we hope he will pass onto his offspring as well as his stunning looks.
Inca mated beautifully last year and from spits offs and scans had the most success of any male we have ever had, with most matings taking first time. We cant wait to see what comes from those matings next year.
He is very easy to handle and is perfect with the females, confident but not over pushy.

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