


Tienda Molino Lanzarote

niet beschikbaar    (VERKOCHT)
Vader: Beck Brow Jimmy Choos
Moeder: Inca Gabana
Type: Dekhengst (Bewezen dekhengst)
Alpaca type: Huacaya
Kleur: Zwart (Eenkleurig)
Geregistreerd bij: Alpaca Association Benelux 005933
Geboortedatum: 29/06/2018
Huidige leeftijd: 6 Jaar en 1 Maand

image Groot   image Klein

          Cedar House Amar (SBLK)
      Anzac Viracocha Black Sabbath (SBLK)    
          Viracocha Witchcraft of Anzac (SBLK)
  Beck Brow Jimmy Choos
(Zwart (Eenkleurig) - Huacaya)
          Waradene St. Patrick of EPC.(SMF)
      Beck Brow Snooty Boots (SMF)    
          Cambridge Lady Gaga (SLF)
Tienda Molino Lanzarote
(Zwart (Eenkleurig) - Huacaya)
          Daer Enahs Streslecki of EPC (SBLK)
      Popham Thunder (SBLK)    
          Popham Ebony (SBLK)
  Inca Gabana
(Zwart (Eenkleurig) - Huacaya)
          Lillyfield Jack of Spades (SBLK)
      Amiryck Danica (SBLK)    
          Robinvale Madison Avenue (SMBR)

Vacht (2e):
25.30µ  SD (standaardafwijking) 5.00µ  CV (variatiecoëfficient) 19.80%  
13.20% boven 30 micron(µ)  
Opbrengst 2.80 Kg/jaar  Lengte van de lok 95 mm  
(Genomen op 19/04/2020 op de leeftijd van 1 Jaar en 10 Maanden )
Wolanalyse-organisatie: Art of Fibre

Tienda Molino Lanzarote is a very well grown male who exhibits good substance of bone and is extremely balanced in is conformation and this is evident by his smooth movement. The fibre this strong sire is growing is very special as the density of the fleece brings with it other desirable qualities such as brightness and handle. With a champion sire in Beck Brow Jimmy Choos and a dam who is not only well bred but a champion herself; Inca Gabana - Color Champion Black Female, Hapert show 2014, Tienda Molino Lanzarote is ideal for those breeers wishing to add colour to their herd without compromising on quality. This male male can be made ready for sale in the Netherlands and for export in as little as three weeks. He is also sold with a full veterinary examination and health certificate.

Gewonnen prijzen:
Alpacashow Boekel 2019 Judge: Natasha Clark 1st. place Junior Black Male Champion Black Male Huacaya.

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