


Penny Bridge Annabella

Sire: Penny Bridge Troy
Dam: Lightfoot Bodkins Amelia
Type: Female
Breed Type: Huacaya
Colour: Solid Light Brown
Registered With: UKBAS41695
Date of Birth: 1st September 2021
Current Age: 3 Years and 5 Months

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          Accoyo Dostoyevsky (Import)
      Sapphire Balin    
          Kilnwood Bathsheba
  Penny Bridge Troy
(Solid White - Huacaya)
          Arunvale Cloud
      Pennybridge Tegan    
          Bella of Atlantic (Import)
Penny Bridge Annabella
(Solid Light Brown - Huacaya)
          Lightfoot Decca
      Lightfoot Bodkin    
          Arunvale Bo
  Lightfoot Bodkins Amelia
(Solid Medium Brown - Huacaya)
          Accoyo Tolkien (Import)
      Cambridge Afterglow    
          Quechuan Virgo of Arunvale (Import)

Annabella is an intelligent and observant alpaca with a natural curiosity. She's a quick learner, always eager to explore her surroundings and discover new things!

A strong and confident member of the herd, Annabella is often the first to investigate any changes or additions to the farm. Her alert nature and gentle demeanour make her a delightful companion.

She consistently produces a high yield of fleece, making her an excellent choice for fibre artists and breeders alike.

Annabella has been mated and spat off to our grand stud Inca Frederico in Summer of 2024, so we look forward to her becoming a first-time mum this year!

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Member Of:

British Alpaca Society 19/02332/AWAAL

Southern Alpaca Group