



Sire: Pennybridge Shadow
Dam: Lightfoot Poppy
Type: Female
Breed Type: Huacaya
Colour: Solid Dark Brown
Registered With: UKBAS355539
Date of Birth: 23rd August 2018
Current Age: 5 Years and 11 Months

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  Pennybridge Shadow
(Solid Dark Brown - Huacaya)
(Solid Dark Brown - Huacaya)
  Lightfoot Poppy
(Solid Medium Fawn - Huacaya)

Fleece (2nd):
17.30µ  SD 3.40µ
Staple Length 110 mm  
(taken on 9th November 2020 at 2 Years and 3 Months of age)
Fibre Testing Authority: Art of Fibre

Dark Brown, Halter Trained, Great Character (always has a stick in her mouth)

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Member Of:

British Alpaca Society 19/02332/AWAAL

Southern Alpaca Group