Mob: +61 (0)438 756 231




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Géniteur: Timbertop CT Whistler
Génitrice: Softfoot Austral
Type: Huacaya (Etalon avéré)
Couleur: Blanc (Couleur pure/solide)
Enregistrer sur: AAA - 209379
Date de naissance: 29/04/2015
Age actuel: 9 Ans et 10 Mois

imageGrand   imagePetit

          Shanbrooke Accoyo Tulaco
      Patagonia Celtic Triumph    
          Patagonia Celtic Rose
  Timbertop CT Whistler
(Blanc (Couleur pure/solide) - Huacaya)
          Fine Choice Peruvian Ultimo
      Timbertop Snazzamattaz    
          Timbertop Snazzy's Dream
(Blanc (Couleur pure/solide) - Huacaya)
          Jolimont Commisario
      Softfoot Comsec    
          Softfoot Seraphina
  Softfoot Austral
(Blanc (Couleur pure/solide) - Huacaya)
          Softfoot Ceroc
      Softfoot Leila    
          Softfoot Lotus

Colour Coat Test: ee AA - Non-Grey.
Softfoot Torbreck WH is an Elite White Male Huacaya who is producing some outstanding progeny winning championships at the national level.
He himself displays an extremely dense fine fleece with a high frequency style that is highly aligned with a very soft handle.
Passing on these same fleece traits to his progeny, Torbreck has a strong macho frame that is well balanced.
If you are looking for that combination of stunning phenotype with the genetics to match, then Torbreck is the stud male you are looking for.

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Get in Touch

Rebecca and Darren Hard

Mob: +61 (0)438 756 231
